(BlindType) the Most Accurate Virtual Keyboard Ever

22 July, 2010 Other



Whenever a new software keyboard comes out we hear the inevitable catchphrases of it being the best ever, of it being 'revolutionary', etc. Some of them turn out to be pretty good to be fair, but this latest effort, BlindType, actually looks like it might just live up to those buzzwords. The chaps behind it describe it as being 'extremely tolerant to typing errors' or in other words you can have the shakes and it will still throw out a passable sentence. Whatever their algorithm for predicting text is it looks to be bang on the money as you will see in the video below. BlindType gets its name from another feature, the ability to dynamically adjust to however the user is typing i.e. the size and orientation of the keyboard change to suit the user. Hence the name 'BlindType' in so far as it's meant to allow for blind operation.

BlindType is being submitted to the Android Market and Apple's App Store, however, whilst Android users can look upon getting this as a certainty iPhone users may not be so lucky. BlindType's designers have confirmed that they will require Apple's default button slate to be replaced. 


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