4 Generations of iPhone on Video

28 July, 2010 Apple

It's not unusual for those thinking of buying the latest iPhone to compare it with the latest and geatest from other manufacturers. It's a fair enough concept, but often overlooked is the question of whether the latest iPhone is really giving you much more bang for your performance buck than your current iPhone. Well the folks at The Unofficial Apple Weblog have decided to pit the four generations of iPhone against one another and they've produced a handy video for your viewing pleasure. You'll see the original Jobs' baby go head to head with the 3G, 3GS and the much maligned iPhone 4. Whilst the iPhone 4 does tend to walk away with the game when it comes to most tasks it doesn't get it all its own way though, the original iPhone actually outperforms it when shutting down and the 3GS beats it in terms of boot time. Take a look for yourself below:


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