5 NEW WebOS 2.0 devices revealed!

8 November, 2010 WebOS

HP Palm




We already know that HP are planning on squirting out a bevy of webOS devices some time in the future, but we now have some kind of unofficial confirmation that reveals a list of 5 codenames for said upcoming devices.


A keen-eyed WebOS Internals user Destinal has dug around the code for the recently released webOS Doctor for webOS 2.0, and came across the references in a string of code that displays "temporarily not restoring logs for newer devices."


The Devices Code-names are Stingray, Mantaray, Broadway, Windsor and Roadrunner (Palm Pre 2).


This only confirms the existence of 4 new devices floating around Palm/HP HQ, and does not even guarantee their release let alone give us juicy details like form-factor or hardware specs.



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