A quick spin on the Amazon Appstore for Android

7 April, 2011 Apps


The Amazon Appstore for Android has certainly generated a lot of buzz both before and after its launch. Much of it has to do with the lawsuit from Apple regarding the use of the term Appstore.

Today however, I am not going to pay any attention to the legal battles which surround Amazon latest venture. Instead, I am going to simply look briefly into its functionality in comparison with the high and mighty Android Market. First, the basics. You need to have a US Amazon account to get the Android Appstore to work on your smartphone. This little requirement automatically excludes a lot of potential consumers.




Another nuisance is the one-click-payment method, which you must activate even in order to get free apps. The lack of a purchase confirmation button before buying an app, combined with the aforementioned function, means that if you hit the "Buy App" button accidentally, your credit card gets charged and you end up paying for a product which you might not want. It happened to me already.


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