AMOLED Panel Shortage Should Be Over By 2011

30 November, 2010 Technology





Super AMOLED displays have been in short supply across the globe this year as smartphone sales to continue to grow. The shortage has affected various handsets over the past year or so, affecting their sales, not a position any manufacturer wants to see continue.

Well it looks like the drought may soon be over according to a report by Taiwan DigiTimes. Various companies in the Far East, most notably Samsung, are planning on ramping up production efforts so 2011 should hopefully see a surplus of the displays. Indeed Samsung is expected to command a dominating 90% share of the market by year end, a position that will be reinforced by the building of a new production facility that is due to come online in June 2011.

Other companies will also start increasing production of AMOLED displays, including two from Taiwan, AU Optronics and Chimei Innolux. A third Taiwanese company, Wintek is planning on joining the party too with its own production efforts. All in all the shortage of AMOLED panels should be a thing of the past.



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