ATT 4G LTE network goes live in five places in the US

19 September, 2011 HTC

gsmarena 001 AT&Ts 4G LTE network goes live, available in only five markets as of now


ATT laucnhed the 4G LTE switch on Sunday. This is not the first time thought and it ill not be the last as ATT is planning to spread the 4G Network to many places in the US.


gsmarena 002 AT&Ts 4G LTE network goes live, available in only five markets as of now


However, if you were expecting a lot more areas to get LTE after the official launch then you will be a bit disappointed as currently its only available in five states. AT&T has chosen Dallas-Forth Worth, San Antonio, Houston, Atlanta and Chicago to be the first to get their LTE network although they do plan to expand it to 15 major metropolitan areas by the end of 2011. See the Map above!


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