After the Reveal of iOS 4.1 Apple promises iOS 4.2 in November

2 September, 2010 Apple



Apple Announced Many NEW things on its Fall Event yesterday... Most of all is the iOS 4.1 update for iPhone. The Apple iPad will sit this one out but will join in on the fun with iOS 4.2 in November. 4.1 Brings New Features and 4.2 will bring Many Fixes and New Features too maybe 1080 Full HD Video Shooting and play back Or an iTV connect feature.

iOS 4.1 for iPhone is mainly a bug-fixing update but it introduces several new features as well. The bugs we are talking about here are well-known - issues with the proximity sensor and Bluetooth functionality of iPhone 4 plus the dismal performance on the iPhone 3G. Beside that iOS 4.1 brings about the much awaited Game Center functionality, some in-camera HDR magic, and HD video uploads.


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