Android 2.X has the most share of Android Markets

12 September, 2010 Android

Android market share



The following pie chart and table is based on the number of Android devices that have accessed Android Market within a 14-day period ending on the data collection date noted below.


PlatformAPI LevelDistribution
Android 1.5 3 12.0%
Android 1.6 4 17.5%
Android 2.1 7 41.7%
Android 2.2 8 28.7%


It look like Android 2.X like 2.1 aka Eclair and 2.2 aka Froyo have the Most Selling share on the Market and everyone who have an Android device is look forward for a Froyo update 2.2 as it has more features. Android OS is Growing very much during the last 3 Months and Especially the 2.X versions as Google Announced the Upcoming Android 2.5 will be later this year.


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