Android 2nd Most Popular OS on the World!

11 November, 2010 Technology

"Gartner" have released their figures for Q3 2010 and its basically good news if you are in the mobile phone business. 417 million mobile phones were sold during Q3, a 35% increase year on year, and smartphones saw a very healthy 96% increase in sales.

The picture at the top of the market is essentially unchanged, Nokia is still the market leader with Samsang and LG in 2nd and 3rd place respectively. However, whilst all three companies managed to maintain their overall rankings their marketshare fell, Nokia, for example, dropping to 28% whereas a year ago they commanded 36% of the market.



One of the big success stories is Apple, which saw its star rise to become the fourth largest manufacturer by marketshare. Its an astonishing feat considering Apple has one, or at most two, phones on sale, and they are both high priced smartphones. Apple 4th place means that RIM slipped to 5th and Sony Ericsson brought up the rear in 6th.

When we look specifically at smartphone we see the familiar patern of incredible Android growth, with a year on year figure of 1,439%. That dizzying number means that Android is now the second most popular smartphone OS in the world. Symbian is still in the number one spot, but even with a frankly surprising, growth rate of 61% it doesn't look like it will hold onto its crown for much longer.


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