Android Geeksphone Zero to sell for 189 Euro

7 March, 2011 Technology

Geeksphone made a minor splash back in 2009 with the introduction of the Geeksphone One, an Android slider that came out at a time when Android sliders were still a tad on the rare side and it was all happening by way of an unknown independent European firm, to boot. Well, they are coming back for round two with the Zero, said to be launching soon and Android Francelooks to have a jump on pricing and specs.

The phone clearly on the low end of the range with a 600MHz processor, 256MB of RAM, a 3.2-inch HVGA display, though it gets brownie points for a 5 megapixel autofocus cam and Gingerbread out of the box. Pricing looks aggressive, too: the site claims we will see it for €189 ($265), though early buyers will get a €179 ($251) special and previous owners of the One will get it for €168 ($236). Pre-orders will allegedly kick off within a couple weeks.


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