Android Market Getting More tablet Friendly

20 November, 2010 Android


Gingerbread is just around the corner, Eric Schmidt himself said so at Web 2.0 just the other day, but exactly what the newest version of Android will bring still isn't exactly clear.

However, it does look as if the Marketplace will be getting some much needed love and a slew of welcome changes, which will probably launch alongside Gingerbread. The changes include higher resolution graphics, no doubt to coincide with Android making an appearance on devices with larger screens such as tablets and televisions.


Devs will also be given the option of including a YouTube video in their app promo and there will also be the option of submitting up to 8 screenshots of the app, the maximum resolution of which will be 480x800. Not only would that mean that devices with larger screens are created for it might just be a signal that a web based interface for the market is on the cards.



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