Android Now More Popular Than iPhone In US

8 January, 2011 Technology

Android and Apple


Comscore have released their most recent set of numbers for the American mobile market and it paints the same general trend as we have been seeing over the past months, but this time Comscore has handed Android the distinction of surpassing the iPhone for the first time.

The September to November 2010 period saw iOS increase its marketshare from 24.2% to 25%, but in the same period Android went from 19.6% to 26%, just pipping the iPhone. However, neither platform was the most popular according to Comscore, that honour went to RIM, which held a 33.5% marketshare, down 4.1% from August though so they may not hold that title too much longer.

In terms of the wider market including feature phones Samsung saw its U.S. marketshare increase from 23.6% to 24.5%. Everyone else saw their marketshare decline, LG losing 0.3% to stand at 20.9%, Motorola down 1.8% to 17% and RIM losing 0.2% for a total of 8.8%.

Its a pretty safe bet to assume that these trends will continue when we get the first results for 2011 and Android may be near, or even at, the top of the heap by then.


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