Android framework inspired by creator time at Apple

3 September, 2011 Apple

Android & Apple


Apple is continuing to fight HTC over Android and have pulled an ace out of their sleeve Andy Rubin, the man behind Android, worked at Apple when the company was working on a key patent. A patent that Android might be infringing on.


The patent in question was filed in the distant 1994 but seems directly related to processing data in real time. Andy Rubin was a low-level engineer working on the patent for Apple at the time. Android may be infringing on this patent and working around it would require changes that go very deep maybe as deep as the kernel itself.


For now, Apple is only bringing this up to point out that HTC were not completely truthful in their statements. Here is the quote from Apple statement:


"Android and Mr. Ruben relevant background does not start, as HTC would like the Commission to believe, with his work at General Magic or Danger in the mid-1990s. In reality, as the evidence revealed at the hearing, Mr. Rubin began his career at Apple in the early 1990s and worked as a low-level engineer specifically reporting to the inventors of the '263 [realtime API] patent at the exact time their invention was being conceived and developed. It is thus no wonder that the infringing Android platform used the claimed subsystem approach of the '263 patent that allows for flexibility of design and enables the platform to be "highly customizable and expandable" as HTC touts. While Mr. Rubin inspiration for the Android framework may not be directly relevant to the pending petitions for review, that HTC felt compelled to distort this history is illustrative of the liberties it takes in attacking the ALJ [initial determination] and the substantial evidence supporting the ALJ findings."



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