Android iOnRoad detects other vehicles while you are driving to keep you safe [Download]

2 November, 2011 Apps



A company called Picitup launched a cool Android app called iOnRoad, touting it as "too smart to run on the iPhone." Thats a bold statement, but its justified with the fact that iPhone multi-tasking capabilities are pretty limited to what Android is offering.


The application relies on the smartphone camera and sensors to detect vehicles in front of the vehicle, alerting drivers when they are in danger iPhone can handle that part alone. The problem is when you run iOnRoad in the background, when for instance you also use a navigation application thats something that will turn off iOnRoad on the iPhone. And thats the way Picitup envisioned its app to work, mapping objects in front of the driver in real-time and calculating the user current speed, while running in the background.


Get iOnRoad for Android For FREE


Then as the vehicle approaches danger, an audio-visual warning pops up to warn of a possible collision.


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