Appcelerator launches Application Developers Marketplace

21 September, 2011 Apps



If end users can have their app stores, Appcelerator thinks this is the untapped market and has decided to do something about it. They used the CODESTRONG Developer Conference to launch its Open Mobile Marketplace, allowing ISVs and cloud providers to sell software and solutions across multiple mobile operating systems on Appcelerator Titanium platform. The potential for companies is pretty big, considering Appcelerator developer community counts more than 1.5 million members.

The new marketplace is launched with 50 leading mobile solutions, including PayPal, Salesforce, Millennial Media, AdMob,, Bump, DoubleClick, Greystripe, Omniture (Adobe), Scanbuy, Twilio and Urban Airship; and a full gaming platform with such modules as Gamekit, OpenGL (graphics) and Box2D (physics).




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