Apple Faces an Investigation From The Japanese Government

29 July, 2010 Apple


They say fact is stranger and fiction and truth be told you just couldn't make this stuff up! Apple is embroiled in yet another legal wrangle, this time with the Japanese government. The issue centres around that old bug bear of Apple's: overheating devices. In this instance it's iPods that are the centre of attention with the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry mandating that Apple explain what exactly is behind various incidents of iPods overheating. iPods have apparently been overheating in Japan for the last few years now so it looks like the government there finally wants some answers. According to Seiji Shimagami of the ministry:

"We have been asking they outline the preventive actions that have been taken for two years, but we question whether enough has been done so we took official action."

Failure to comply with the Japanese government's order would likely see Apple hit with a fine. It's just one of a series of disputes Apple is currently embroiled in and they seem to be attracting new one slike flies to .. well something smelly. So far Apple are being sued in the U.S. over faulty antenna design in the iPhone; sued in the U.S. due to overheating iPads; being investigated by the U.S. department of justice for possible anti-competitive practices as a result of their refusal to allow Adobe's Flash on their closed platofrm and there is also talk of the European Union forcing Apple to open up its systems to third party developers. 


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