Apple Sued Again But for the The iPad this time

28 July, 2010 Apple


It seems that Apple are stumbling from one legal mess to another these days what with class action suits being levelled over Antennagate, competition investigations by the U.S. Justice Department and the possibility that the EU may force them to allow 3rd party access to their previously closed platform. Well Apple have one more to add to that list, a lawsuit being brought because of overheating iPads shutting down. The people behind this new lawsuit are seeking the status of class action for their efforts and their lawyers, Scott Cole & Associates, have created to search for more claimants who may experiencing the problem.

The claimants are saying that "
the iPad is virtually unusable when sitting in particular environmental conditions (e.g., in direct sunlight with virtually any ambient air temperature) since it turns off, sometimes after just a few minutes of use." This they say is a problem because "according to the website, "[r]reading on iPad is just like reading a book.' However, contrary to this promise, using the iPad is not 'just like reading a book' at all since books do not close when the reader is enjoying them in the sunlight or in other normal environmental environments. This promise, like other portions of APPLE's marketing material for the iPad, is false."



To be fair to Apple their product information for the iPad states that it should be used in environments with a temeperature between 0 and 35 celsius and advises that using the iPad in high or low temperature conditions might shorten battery life or cause the iPad to stop working properly. We're not Apple fanboys by any stretch, but this does look to be a bit of a hokey lawsuit from people that don't bother to RTFM. Even so Apple won't be pleased to learn of yet another impending legal battle, especially when its plate is already so full. 


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