Apple Withdraws Slider Cases From Sale

11 November, 2010 Apple




To say that the iPhone 4 has been beset by a raft of problems and controversies would be the sort of understatement that would characterize WWII as a bit of a tiff. Ever since the handset was launched it has been plagued by various complaints and it looks like one of those complaints has reared its head once more.

"Glassgate", or the idea that certain types of case were causing the glass back of the handset to become scratched or even cracked has had its fires stoked by Apple decision to withdraw slider cases from sale at its stores. Apparently dirt or other particles that get trapped under the case cause the scratches when the slide mechanism is employed.

Ironically the move affects manufacturers who had had their cases certified by Apple as "Made for iPhone". That doesn't appear to have protected them from Apple withdrawal decision.

Whether this is a widespread problem or not it does draw attention to the fundamental issue many have raised with the iPhone 4, does it sacrafice function for form? Antennagate was the most famous example of that issue coming to the fore, but Glassgate is being described as a real problem
 according to an unnamed source that spoke with Cult of Mac. The difference this time is that offerring a free case as a quick fix does not look like an option.


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