Apple and HTC shortages warned after Foxconn suffers downtime

18 October, 2011 Apple

Macbook Air


An Apple supplier has warned that unexpected factory downtime could well impact MacBook Airproduction, as well as possibly supplies of certain HTC smartphones. The manufacturer was forced to temporarily close a production facility after nearby residents made complaints of a strange odor seemingly coming from the plant. "Shipments to our customers will inevitably be affected company president" Allen Horng confirmed in a press conference.

"We already asked to make adjustments to their procurement" Horng continued, though whether Apple and others will be able to find alternative supplies at short notice is unclear. Apple MacBook Air ultraportable uses a specially milled unibody aluminum chassis that allows the company to significantly reduce bulk and weight; a similar milling process has also been featured in some high-end smartphones from HTC.

Both companies may struggle to keep to their own production timelines now, however. Catcher says there is no known date when the production line will resume work, as it depends on the plant passing a local government inspection.


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