Apple claims it inspired Andy Rubin to make Android

6 September, 2011 Apple



Imagine being stuck in a room watching re-runs of terrible reality shows, or a collection of some the worst movies ever made. Well, thats what this patent war feels like: nauseating. Apple, in a message to the ITC claims it inspired Andy Rubin to make Android. This claim could have major legal implications for a future Apple lawsuit against Google or possibly even for Apple dispute with Google recent $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola.

Andy Rubin worked at Apple long before the days of the iPhone and iPod. Apple mentions in the filing to the ITC that it has a legal obligation to make truthful representations of fact and that Rubin superiors at Apple were the inventors of the realtime API patent and he worked for them at the very time they made that invention. Basically, Apple is discrediting Andy Rubin for his part in the development and implementation of the new realtime API invention, because he was not a senior engineer.


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