Apple execs knew Steve Jobs condition during iPhone 4S launch

8 October, 2011 Apple



Steve Jobs passed away just a day after the iPhone 4S launch and reports now reveal that Apple execs may have known about Jobs condition during the event but had put on brave faces to carry on the show. According to Palo Alto police department spokeswoman Sandra Brown, Apple had informed police that Jobs was close to passing just days before Apple official statement.


Since Jobs lived in a modest home on a public street open to pedestrians and without any gates or security, Apple contacted the police department ahead of time so that they could be prepared in case people were to gather in mass around the home upon hearing the news that Jobs had passed.

"Here is a guy who is a billionaire and lives in a regular neighborhood, not behind a gated estate with all the security guards" said former Apple employee Bruce Gee, who drove up to the home. "On Halloween, people go trick or treating there like everyone else."


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