Apple sells 14.1M iPhones!

19 October, 2010 Apple

Steve jobs



Apple has just published its financial report for the quarter ending in September and things just could not be better. The company posted revenue of 20.34 billion US dollars, of which 4.31 billion were net profit.


Not only are those the best results ever achieved by Apple, they are also immensely better than the one for the same period last year. In Q3 of 2009 the numbers stood at 12.21 billion and 2.53 billion dollars respectively.


The main driving force behind this spectacular success is the iPhone 4, which generated more than 14.1 million sales . In other words, they have almost doubled their iPhone sales. Now Apple has a worldwide market share of over 5.5 percent, which is really something considering the average selling price of 629 dollars. Plus, shortages have been plaguing the iPhone 4 ever since it was launched.


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