Batteries Chargers Now is portable!

16 January, 2011 Technology


Remember my words please. In 2012-2013 we either have to receive a new type of batteries for mobile phones or face the crisis because the record of one day of operation will be broken downwards. Even today you can make you gadget check mail all the time, be online in an IM client and surf the web via EDGE to get no more than 4 hour of operation. In the US I did not use my HTC Desire for data transfer much. Few calls are complemented by many text messages and you easily get two days of operation. It all depends on features you use in your phone.


In recent years the number of features and power used to service them have increase. Batteries have a limit of 2500 mAh and beyond their size becomes too big, which influences the weight of handsets. We need a technological breakthrough, but there is none in sight to offer a required solution to current woes.

The market of external batteries is growing rapidly. I could not resist the temptation and purchased a 1000 mAh battery for 30$, though in some countries the price can be around 20-25$. In my case HTC Desire needs slightly more than one hour to get around 50% of the charge. It gives me one day of active use, which is nice. As you can see on the body we have a miniUSB jack alongside microUSB. They can be used for charging too. This gadget is useful and inconspicuous. If we do not get any revolutionary technology soon and I am a bit skeptical now we will use similar external batteries more often. The market of accessories will boom.


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