BlackBerry 9780 Bold "Refresh" appears in white

29 August, 2010 BlackBerry (RIM)

BB white

RIM has yet to introduce the 9780, but all indications are that this model will be a Bold Refresh with a few changes to the Bold 9700. As we reported, the new device offers many of the same specs seen on the 9700 such as the 2.44 inch screen with resolution of 480 x 360 pixels, and a 624MHz processor. The changes include an upgrade to a 5MP camera and a doubling of RAM to 512MB. And of course, we can't forget the new BlackBerry 6 OS and the companion WebKit browser, both delivering major multimedia improvements to Bold owners ready to move up to the new model.

Speculation is that the handset will be launched in October. Also all carriers and perhaps AT&T as well, to offer the BlackBerry 9780 Bold Refresh. That is, once RIM gets around to introducing the unit.


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