Code file shows some quad-core Apple products

24 September, 2011 Apple

source code



Under layers of source code, the fate of Apple products has been discovered. Right now the fastest processor in an iOS device is Apple 1 GHz dual-core A5 chip, which is found in the iPad 2. The company is expected to unveil the iPhone 5 soon on October 4th with that same processor.


Ars Technica got the scoop from a developer pointing out that what initially looks like random letters and numbers in Xcode actually hints at support for quad-core devices:

"A developer who works on low-level ARM assembly coding for security products was the first to alert Ars that support had been added for Armada's Cortex A9-compatible processors in the latest version of Xcode (a claim that we later confirmed first-hand). The source code for a part of Clang that interprets what CPU type is being targeted for optimization includes a definition for an architecture type of "armv7k" and CPU type pj4b."


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