Color community photo-sharing app for Android and iOS

24 March, 2011 Apps


Color introduced its flagship application for real-time sharing of photos, videos and text from your Android and iOS device. Color does more than upload your content to a remote website, it locates other Color users in the area and shares your content with them. While you are visiting the Washington Monument in DC taking in the Cherry Blossoms, you can share your images and thoughts with other people in your immediate vicinity. Likewise, you can receive pictures or texts of interesting items from other nearby users. This real-time, dynamic public sharing is what sets Color apart from its competition.

The community application takes photo-sharing applications like Instagram and pushes them one step further. Unlike Instagram which stores your images on a server, Color shares your content with the public, no privacy settings required. Color is an interesting concept, but the application has raised the hackles of the privacy community which questions the safety of the public sharing features.


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