DROID 2 User Guide is leaked with photos (Download)

30 July, 2010 Motorola



While the Motorola DROID 2 is not expected to be released to the public until mid to late August, the User Guide for the phone has been leaked. So what have we learned from looking through it? Well, we can now raise our confidence level to Fire Truck Red that the sequel to Time Magazine's 2009 Gadget of the Year will be shipped out with Android 2.2 in the box as the Froyo version of Google search is written up in the guide.The booklet also delves into the Motoblur UI that appears on the unit-it's the same "lite" version that is on the DROID X. The virtual QWERTY keyboard will be multi-touch as the one on the DROID X is and the DROID 2 will offer the swipe to type Swype keyboard.



With the DROID X shoving its massive screen right into your face, the DROID 2 could be a hard sell for Verizon-especially if it is priced at the same gold standard of $199.99 after a 2 year contract that most high-end models have been priced at lately. For the same price, you could have the 4.3 inch display of the "X" staring right back at you. Sure, it will appeal to those who want a DROID and need a physical QWERTY (upgraded from the first-gen model, by the way), but there still is the Samsung Fascinate to consider. Big Red's variant of the Galaxy S will probably be the carrier's next big launch after the DROID 2. We obviously are looking too far ahead. After all, Verizon has not even introduced the DROID 2 yet.




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