Disco Messenger for iPhone by Google

26 March, 2011 Apps

disco messenger Disco Messenger for iPhone by Google is another messaging app in the bucket

There is certainly no shortage of messaging apps for the iPhone. Disco Messenger by Google now joins the ranks of Beluga, GroupMe, Fast Society, WhatsApp, Kik Messenger and others for messaging platforms available for Apple smartphone.

Disco Messenger was created by a company called Slide, which was purchased by Google late last summer. The messaging app uses text messaging to get messages through, so if you are going to spring for this thing, be sure to have an unlimited SMS plan. You can create groups, add friends and just go nuts annoying everyone with random messages.

The app will give you a new number to text when you when you sign up, sort of like some of the international messaging apps available for the iPhone, that will be used when you are sending messages to your friends.


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