Eric Schmidt Web 2.0 Interview Shows Off Unannounced Device

16 November, 2010 WebOS




Some rather exciting footage from the Web 2.0 summit today as Google CEO Eric Schmidt showed off an unannounced device, much speculated to be the Nexus S.

Google have said that there would be no Nexus Two and if you watch the video Schmidt does not use the term Nexus S at any point, however, he does make a point of saying that he has never said there wouldn't be a successor to the Nexus One.

Mr Schmidt also commented that Gingerbread would be released in the coming weeks and we got to see it in action on the unannounced device.

Mr Schmidt reason for showing off the device was demo its NFC (Near Field Communications) capabilities, something he said Google wanted to support now so expect to see it cropping up in more devices as we move forward.



long video below it will worth a watch!


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