Experience the New Samsung Pure Breeze UI for Android, Available to try now

3 September, 2011 Samsung

gsmarena 001 Neat freaks rejoice, Samsungs Pure Breeze UI for Android is available to try now


Samsung have just developed and released their Pure Breeze UI. An Android based UI that has a focus on widget organization and app management.

The first thing you notice is the inverted take on the typical Android interface. The app grid is displayed by default with four tabs to get you started, "All Apps" which shows you’re full app library, "Connect" which focuses on messaging applications,"Surf" which alongside the browser, contains apps like Android Market and YouTube, and "favorites".


Pure Breeze


Besides the "All Apps" tab, each group is denoted by a color allowing you to quickly switch to the group assigned to said color. Each of these tabs is customizable, allowing you to change name, color and order along the bottom to suit your needs.


Pure Breeze


Pressing the home button will bring out the "kite" a special tray designed primarily for your widgets, but you can put apps or links to your groups on there too if you wish. It allows you to add as many widgets as you want along a vertical, scrollable pane, which on pressing the home button again, flies up into the top right corner of your screen. The kite is accessible as an overlay whilst in apps too, so you do not exit your app when you press the home button.


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