Facebook introduces subscriptions and improved friend lists

17 September, 2011 Technology



Taking a leaf out of Google+ book, Facebook has added a couple of new and useful features. First is subscriptions. Earlier, you had to be friends with someone to read their posts on Facebook unlike on Google+ or Twitter where anyone can read anyone post.

Smart Lists:

Managing lists is boring. Thats why smart lists do the work for you. To start, we will offer you smart lists for:

  • Work
  • School
  • Family
  • City 




For instance, if you list Boston College as a school you have attended and your friends John and Sarah do too, then you would instantly have a smart list called "Boston College" with John and Sarah on it. This means that if you're having a grad party or a college reunion, you can easily share photos with just your college friends, without bothering other people you know.


You can also add or remove friends manually to make the lists even more accurate.




Close Friends and Acquaintances Lists:

  • Close Friends list - Add your best friends to your Close Friends list and you will see everything they post in News Feed. You can even jump straight to a view of your News Feed that only shows their photos and news. You can also receive notifications when they post updates, so you do not miss anything important.
  • Acquaintances list - Add friends like old classmates or business contacts to your Acquaintances list and you will see less of them in your News Feed. We will still show you important things they post like when they get married or move to a new city so you do not lose touch completely.


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