Full Andy Rubin Interview From Dive Into Mobile (Video)

16 December, 2010 Technology

Intomobile Interview



You may or may not recall the odd interview that RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis gave at the D: Dive Into Mobile conference. We will get to that in a moment, but first of all the video below shows Mr Lazaridis demoing the forthcoming Blackberry PlayBook, RIM first tablet device.

Its a pretty decent demo it has to be said and you should get a good look at the device and its UI. The first 5 minutes or so of the video is pretty much dedicated to the PlayBook so its well worth a look. Ok now that that is out of the way lets get to the interview.

If I had to describe this interview in a word it would be bizarre. Lazaridis rambles a lot, does not really answer the questions posed to him, well he does, but not with anything approaching relevancy. Listen out for some quite frankly mystifying claims such as Indonesia have a population of a billion and claims that RIM invented the smartphone. Its worth watching just to see how incoherent it can get!




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