Fuze Meeting brings HD video collaboration to iPad 2

30 March, 2011 Motorola



Mobile video collaboration service provider FuzeBox announced multi-party HD video conferencing, as a major update to web conferencing product Fuze Meeting. The updated application/service now rocks an improved user interface, support for all major smartphone, tablet and computer operating systems, as well as additional multimedia sharing and annotation options.

iPad 2 and an array of Android 3.0 Honeycomb-powered tablets are on the list of supported devices, allowing for high-quality (720p HD) cross-platform video communication over 3G and WiFi networks. Of course, to get the better quality, it is suggested that you are on a fast hotspot, though a reliable 4G network connection will work just as well.

Heck even you are connection is far from perfect, Fuze Meeting will maintain the highest fidelity at low latency by dynamically adapting to available bandwidth with the Vidyo Adaptive Video Layering technology, using H.264 SVC.


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