Galaxy S II get Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich ports [Video]

19 November, 2011 Samsung

Galaxy S II with ICS 4.0


While the US is still patiently awaiting the official release of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, our favorite phone in Android-land at the moment has just received an Ice Cream Sandwich port. That phone would be the Samsung Galaxy S II and there is even a video (Below) to show off the Ice Cream Sandwhich.

Now that the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich source code has been unleashed to the world, ports of the latest version of the mobile OS will start to become a normal thing. That said, having ICS on the Galaxy S II must be a real treat, so to speak, but do not get too excited just yet. Like many new developments of the sort, there is not a lot that is actually working properly. This will change in time but ports like this usually have multiple updates per week so you may want to wait it out and come back when it is usable.

Video Below!


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