Google Editions To Start Book Sales on 2011

3 December, 2010 Technology

Google Editions

Google likes to have its fingers in a lot of pies and the latest would appear to be the online book business. The Wall Street Journal are reporting that Google will have an online ebook store up and running in the US by the end of the year with an international launch in Q1 of 2011.

The store, to be called Google Editions, will seemingly rely on independent book sellers as the basis of its sales the WSJ reports:

 "Users will be able to buy books directly from Google or from multiple online retailers including independent bookstores and add them to an online library tied to a Google account. They will be able to access their Google accounts on most devices with a Web browser, including personal computers, smartphones and tablets."

There also looks to be a revenue sharing model in place for Editions with websites and blogs able to link to Editions so their readers can buy a particular book and the site can then take a share of Google cut of the sale for driving the purchase. It miht mean a much more personal means of selling books, with speciic sites able to discuss or review particular works and drive sales to just that title.



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