Google Instant Search for Mobile (video)

12 September, 2010 Android

Google Instant search on Android


Search as you type. Its a simple and straightforward idea people can get results as they type their queries. Imagining the future of search, the idea of being able to search for partial queries or provide some interactive feedback while searching has come up more than a few times.

Instant Search for mobile works just like its desktop counterpart. You start typing in a query and Google delivers search results based on what it predicts you will type. There are a few restrictions but in the demo we were given earlier today, it worked like a charm. We expect that this feature will work best on the iPhone and Android devices. Google also says that its mobile apps will eventually support Instant Search functionality.

Here are a few of the core features in Google Instant:

  • Dynamic Results - Google dynamically displays relevant search results as you type so you can quickly interact and click through to the web content you need.
  • Predictions - One of the key technologies in Google Instant is that we predict the rest of your query before you finish typing. See what you need? Stop typing, look down and find what you are looking for.
  • Scroll to search - Scroll through predictions and see results instantly for each as you arrow down.

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