Google Mobile app for iPhone is now Google Search app (Video)

19 March, 2011 Apps


Google has just updated their Mobile App for iOS devices. What was initially meant to be your one-click portal to all of Google services has now been downgraded to a mere Search app. By reducing its focus the Google dev team has managed to make the iOS Search app much nicer to use.

The improvements include a new toolbar that lets you filter your results. To toggle it on you can use one of the newly implemented swipe gestures (left or right) either before you search or once you have got your results. You can then select the required filter, like Images, Videos, Shopping etc. Next you get the setting menu, which is also opened by a swipe gesture, only this time you need to swipe down. Its also what you should do to see the search bar.

Google also made it easier to pick up searching where you left it off. If you leave the app and come back later, you will be able either to start a new search right away (just tap in the search box to type, hit the microphone button to do a voice search or tap on the camera icon to use Google Goggles) or get back to exactly where you were by tapping on the lower part of the page.


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