Google Nexus S gets the Android 2.3.6 update

2 September, 2011 Samsung

Google has just issued another update for its Nexus S smartphone, which brings the version number up to 2.3.6. And while that kind of change might make you believe that the update is quite a big deal, its actually pretty minor.


Android 2.3.6 is a bugfix release, which comes to solve the voice search issues that have plagued the Nexus S recently. Many users reported voice search would activate by itself, while they were using some other app and you can see how this could be terribly annoying. Luckily, Google acted quickly and the healing process has started.


Users in Canada have reportedly been among the first to get the update, while its availability elsewhere is still a mystery. Still, there were not that many Nexus S units sold, so it should not take too long for the Android 2.3.6 to reach them all.


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