Google Nexus S has a curved Display ?

18 November, 2010 Samsung



Following yesterday appearance of the Nexus S comes a bit of odd gossip its display is curved. In the middle, the phone is thinner than at the top and bottom, making the whole screen concave, it's not just a chin.

Apparently, Samsung did some research and concluded that concave displays have better usability than flat displays or at least give the impression of better usability. This technology is not new the rumorstates that Samsung has been working on it for a while and they even got Sprint interested in it.

The deal fell through because Samsung could not manufacture enough curved displays to fill Sprints needs for this holiday season. So, what is this display doing on the Nexus S? It could be better a hands on will decide that but if Samsung really can not manufacture enough, then the Nexus S doesn't stand a chance of becoming a mass market device?


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