Google+ adds YouTube player and chrome extension too

3 November, 2011 Apple


Google has made no secret about Google+ being a connecting point between its several brands and services, today example being a tiny YouTube player in the social networking site as well as a couple of Chrome extensions that make the browser itself a portal to the G+ site. What you see below this paragraph is an example of what you will get if you hit the brand new YouTube slider that will appear in the upper right of your screen while you are browsing Google+. As for the Chrome extensions, you will be able to get a Google +1 button right beside your URL bar, then a notification red square that will link you back to Google+ right beside that.

Its beginning to look a lot like Google+ is going to be my hub for basically everything I need to access during the day, and a whole lot of other bits and pieces that I definitely do not need to be checking out all day. To access such a thing, on the other hand, you have only to locate the tiny slip of paper in the upper right-hand corner of your Google+ interface and mouse-over it. It will pop out and you will be able to enter a few keywords. Press play and a playlist will pop up in a new window. You can control the videos from there or from the slide-out controller that still sits in the window you where in in the first place.


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