HTC AMOLED and S-LCD Screens comparing

4 November, 2010 HTC


The CNET Asia page on the SLCD (left) and AMOLED (right) Desire .





According to HTC Southeast Asia product manager Wayne Tang, this does not mean the company is abandoning AMOLED and we "can expect to see both types of displays in current and future HTC devices". 

In the case of battery performance, Tang said an AMOLED screen would be more efficient when the image is largely black in color. This is because AMOLED technology does not draw power when displaying black pixels. However, in situations with a high proportion of white pixels, SLCD has an advantage. This is partly due to better power management as it is an improvement on the already matured IPS LCD technology. 


As for the visual differences between the two display technologies, Tang stated that it is difficult for most people to tell one from the other. HTC showed us two devices side-by-side so we can judge for ourselves. The SLCD version is on the left while the AMOLED Desire is on the right in all the photos. 

Here's how an article with text and an image looks.

The first impression we got was that the whites were cooler for AMOLED. It tended to have a bluish tinge while the whites on an SLCD can be described as yellowish. 


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