HTC Sense 4.0 skin to run on top of Android 4.0 ICS

26 November, 2011 HTC



We have just posted some news about an HTC smartphone called the HTC Ville. It is due out next April and it will feature Google Android 4.0 and HTC Sense 4.0 software.

Google Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich will be the first version of the Android operating system designed to work on both phones and tablets. 

HTC Sense is designed to run on top of Android, offering a custom app launcher, home screen widgets, and a handful of additional apps. HTC also backs up some of your preferences and data online if you sign in with an HTC Sense account so HTC smartphone users often wind up using Google and HTC accounts on their devices.

In the early days of Android, HTC earned a reputation for making the operating system prettier and easier to use with its Sense software. But as Android has matured, Sense has earned a reputation as one of the reasons it takes HTC several months to release a software update after Google releases a new version of Android.


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