HTC Titan and Radar prices revealed

3 September, 2011 HTC

gsmarena 001 HTC Titan and Radar prices revealed, seems quite high


HTC Titan and Radar were officially announced yesterday at a public event that we covered live for you. And while that did give us most pieces of the puzzle, one of the most important ones was missing we knew nothing about the pricing of either WP7 smartphone.

Now we hear that an HTC representative went on record saying that the HTC Titan will cost €609 ($868), while HTC radar will go for €399 ($569). Granted, those are European prices, and they include 19% VAT, but they still seem a bit too high to us.

Maybe HTC sees its Titan and Radar babies as some high-end monsters that will be able to battle it out with the Galaxy S IIs and the iPhones of this world, but we believe WP7 is not there yet. And with the platform still playing catch up, there is no way that the smartphones carrying it will be valued higher than their competitors.


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