HTC is looking Closely on the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

23 October, 2011 HTC


As many HTC devices as possible is what HTC is saying they are going to try to update to Ice Cream Sandwich in the coming weeks or at least thats what they have got in mind. This week has been both the formal introduction to Ice Cream Sandwich as a final build and a showing of the hero device for this version of Android, and now HTC wants in on the party with an announcement on their plans for the immediate future. Through their Facebook page they let the world know the basics about upgrading a device to a new version of Android as well as what they basically have in mind for how they are going to do it and how many devices they’re going to do it to.

HTC spoke in generalities for the most part today saying that they are "looking closely" at the new operating system features and functionality so that they might further determine their plans for upgrading all of their devices. They note that they are an "industry leader in providing fast and consistent upgrades" to their Android devices and that this version, Android 4.0, will be no different.


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