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15 September, 2010 HTC is the first place to turn when you reach for your phone and its not there. Its like iTunes but in Ovi way.. web-Based tool and App Store for All HTC Sense Devices

If this happens, just go to and use it to make your phone ring loud even its set to vibrate (Like the Microsoft MyPhone2 Service). Hopefully its nearby buried in the sofa or under a stack of papers. Sorted.

Another option is to use to locate your phone and see where it is on the map literally. If you see that it is still in the cafe you left 20 minutes ago, use to lock it and to forward all your calls to a different number. You can even post a reward message to show up on your locked screen in case a stranger finds it. Sorted.

And in the worst case  if you see that your phone is someplace that it definitely should not be (like the train tracks headed out of town), use to lock it and erase all the personal data from it. Sorted!

Discover new places  grab your phone and go

Keeping track of what you have done and where you've been - plus adding what you wouldd like to go and see  is easy on with Footprints. Use the integrated Google Maps and your computer to create Footprints of the cool spots you want to see. And voila! All the Footprints you create will appear on your phone. Now, your phone can help you find your way to that cool Café or that hidden jazz bar.

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