Here is how people use their smartphones, a survey by Google

29 April, 2011 Apps



Google has conducted a survey on the use of smartphones and how they influence our lives and how we influence businesses with our smartphones daily. The survey was carried out by Ipsos OTX and it features many statistical facts and a short video, explaining the results. Of ocurse, the research was focused on marketing and it aims to explore and promote the smartphone as the next-gen ad platform and a source of new revenue for Google.

The results of the research show that we use our smartphones vigorously throughout our day, at home and at the office, and even in the bathroom. It shows that by using our smartphones as guides on shopping products of all types incl. groceries makes us more pretentious customers with a higher demand for the quality and adequate pricing.


Here are just some of the highlights:

  • 81% browse the Internet, 77% search, 68% use an app, and 48% watch videos on their smartphone
  • 72% use their smartphones while consuming other media
  • 93% of smartphone owners use their smartphones while at home 
  • 95% of smartphone users have looked for local information
  • 88% of these users take action within a day, indicating these are immediate information needs
  • 71% search on their phones because of an ad exposure, whether from traditional media (68%) to online ads (18%) to mobile ads (27%)
  • 82% notice mobile ads, especially mobile display ads and a third notice mobile search ads

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