Honor unveils its 4-layer AI architecture approach

22 May, 2024 Honor

Honor unveils its 4-layer AI architecture approach


AI is all the rage these days. As such, it's not surprising to see more companies jumping in and trying to come up with their own solutions. Honor is one of them. At the VivaTech 2024 tradeshow, Honor has announced its own approach to AI which involves the use of a 4-layer architecture.


The base layer, which sets the foundation, will create an open AI ecosystem. This allows it to be implemented regardless of what kind of device or platform is being used. This means that computing power and services can be shared across multiple devices.


Then there is the Platform-level AI layer. This creates a more personalized operating system with personalized resource allocation, which Honor calls "intent-based human computer interaction". Then there is the third layer which is the App-level AI. This will see the creation of apps that can leverage AI to improve and revolutionize the user experience.


Last but not least at the very top is the Interface to Cloud-AI services layer. Honor claims that this will create a "truly holistic and future-forward AI experience" by giving users easy access to cloud services while also protecting their privacy. If you're wondering how all of this will look like in practice, Honor has also announced the upcoming launch of their new Honor 200 Series of phones.


The handsets will launch on the 12th of June and while specs are unclear, they will be putting the company's 4-layer AI architecture in practice. Details are scarce on the phone, but one of the main features is improved portrait photography through the use of AI. Honor is even working together with Harcourt Studio, a photography studio in France, to take advantage of their expertise.


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