How to JailBreak the iOS 4.1 for iphone 3G/3Gs/4 ?

10 September, 2010 Apple


Apple has released the iOS 4.1 Final version to public download for All users. but Many people are asking if its possible to jailbreak iOS 4.1 ?... Should I wait or not?... Should I update my iphone ?

Yes, its possible to jailbreak the iOS 4.1 for All Apple Products but its Not very trusted right Now as the iOS 4.1 is Still New and More better jailbreaks will be coming soon, you can expect a Better jailbreak Soon.

The best ways to jailbreak the iOS that has been released (until now) is:

  • Jailbreak iOS 4.1 with redsn0w – redsn0w is no doubt THE best jailbreak out there. It’s created by the famous Dev Team who makes reliable jailbreaks. It will definitely be updated to support iOS 4.1
  • Jailbreak iOS 4.1 with Spirit – Spirit is the easiest jailbreak out here. It’s created by comex. There may be a Spirit Jailbreak for iOS 4.1, but don’t count on it as Apple could easily patch that.
  • Jailbreak iOS 4.1 with limera1n – Geohot was going to release a limera1n jailbreak for iOS 4.1, but it looks like he has left the jailbreak scene for now. He did state that someone else may take on his work before he closed his blog and Twitter account.

You can jailbreak iOS 4.1 with redsn0w 0.9.5 beta 5 and you can Download it For Mac here and For Windows here.


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