JailbreakMe is Released For iPhone 4, iPad

2 August, 2010 Apple

If you've been waiting for the promised iPhone 4 jailbreak, you'll be glad to hear that the waiting is now over. You can jailbreak your precious phone straight away. iPhone 3G, 3GS, iPod touch and iPad are welcome to join the party as well.


Jailbreaking the iPhone has never been so easy. Well, almost never, we've seen JailbreakMe.com in action before, haven't we? You only need to visit JailbreakMe 2 webpage using your device's Safari browser and follow the instructions (read "slide to jailbreak"). Now, you're a few moments away from jailbreaking your iThingy.


Keep in mind that due to the increased number of users servers may be overloaded. In this case use this link. Just for safety, sync your iDevice to iTunes before you get on to it, so you have a recent backup in case situation head south.


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