Latest Firefox 4 Beta for Android (Download)

6 November, 2010 Android

Firefox 4.0 BETA



If you have been riding along with Mozilla through Firefox 4 Beta period on either Android or Maemo, its time for a refresh. Just a few minutes ago, New Upgrade to the Firefox 4 Beta for Android has been pushed out!


The NEW! Features:

  • Localization: Its now available in 10 different languages
  • Page loads are 40% faster than in the last build, and the Sun-Spider javascript benchmark is clocking this one in at 25% faster than Android stock browser
  • Minor tweaks: Recently closed tabs can now be reopened, the memory usage requirements have been decreased, Geolocation support in Android, and "Improved Text Spacing"
  • This build takes up about 60% less filespace, though you have have to do the uninstall/reinstall dance if you’re coming from an old build and want that space back.
  • Multitouch zoom has been polished up for speed and accuracy


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